Open Data: Startups Riding the Wave!

The emergence of open data, digital information accessible to all, has revolutionized transparency and knowledge sharing through its open license system. Since its inception, an increasing number of young technology and legal enterprises have been using it to collect data.

What is Open Data?

These so-called open data are freely available to users, whether individuals, businesses, or government agencies. Royalty-free, they can be exploited without restrictions. Open data meets three criteria: accessibility, unrestricted use, and universal participation. The challenge remains interoperability because without it, data cannot be associated with each other. However, this is the entire point of their use. Thanks to this, numerous new projects, services, and products can be envisioned. Websites like thus provide free access to French public data, as does Légifrance, the official government website for information on legislative texts, case law, and court decisions.

The Rise of Legatech

Legatech refers to startups specializing in the legal field. From the English term “legal technology,” legal tech companies are reforming the old practices of legal professionals by offering the possibility to dematerialize legal documents and efficiently automate company processes and services.

While this may seem natural, it has not always been the case. In the past, legal data such as legal information were not freely accessible and often had to be paid for. Before 2020, information concerning the National Register of Trade and Companies was indeed accessible, but at a cost. Needless to say, this could represent a significant obstacle for small and medium-sized enterprises that might not have had the means to afford such expenses. Fortunately, this monopoly has ended, and today we can consult data freely without breaking the bank. And this is not to mention the ambition of certain companies that startups like have created a thriving business in this field. Infinite Data is the first French online portal providing these famous data without limitations. Updated daily, it offers data from over 10 million companies and executives available for free. The site features a precise search system allowing users to view nearly 80 million documents at no cost. In this vast database, it is also possible to consult data from INSEE, INPI, and BODACC. Docubiz prioritizes the speed of searches in its information bank, and in just a few seconds, users can access and download over 10 million data points as they wish, such as an excerpt from a company’s KBIS.

Legal tech is only just beginning. In an increasingly dematerialized world, it has a promising future ahead. Individuals, businesses, or government institutions, everyone uses and consults data.


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