Improving Visibility through Search Engine Optimization

The quest for visibility has become a crucial aspect to develop in the face of increasingly fierce competition. On the internet, this entails search engine optimization (SEO), the action that enables visibility on the web to reach as many people as possible.

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, serves to position the web pages of your website in the top natural results of search engines (notably Google, but also Bing, Yahoo, and others). The goal is to enhance visibility. However, search engines impose “guidelines.” By following them, it is possible to influence the behavior of web crawlers that index web pages and thus be visible to them. Thus, Google has established several hundred criteria, and it is indispensable to adhere to them.

Work on Your Content and Page Indexing

A website will be better ranked if its content is of quality. Originality and consistency remain key. This does not necessarily mean writing something unique in its kind but rather providing added value compared to your competition. Not all experts agree on how Google judges the quality of an article. There are multiple parameters that will ensure your content is well-ranked. The best advice we can give: “write for your readers, not for Google.”

Nevertheless, it is strongly recommended to include keywords in the title, URL, meta description tag, text, images, and links. The titles of the pages on your site should not exceed 165 characters to remain visible. If you insert a hyperlink in an article, remember that the text it contains should have a specific meaning. General phrases like “read more” or “click here” are to be avoided. It is preferable to use short sentences composed of keywords. You can work on this concept: one sentence = one idea.

Prioritize HTML

Furthermore, it is strictly discouraged to create websites using technologies like Flash, for example, as it is not read by search engines. Instead of accessing your content, they will identify a blank page and therefore cannot index you. Development in HTML remains the best way to be identified.

Increase Your Website’s Popularity

The more popular your site is, the more it will appear on the first pages of the search engine. Working on communication means remains essential in this quest for popularity. Participating in blogs, developing a network of partners, advertising in media or non-media channels are all keys to gaining greater visibility. You will need to work on your “backlinks” or links pointing to your website. Note that Google has implemented a tool called “Page Rank” to determine the popularity of each website. It is a relevance algorithm that assigns a score between 0 and 10 to all the sites it references. The more popular the page, the higher the score.

Enhance Accessibility

Accessibility is the third criterion for ranking. Nowadays, a website must be readable on all devices (this is referred to as “Responsive” web technology). This includes the development of mobile applications. This access concept must be linked to execution speed. Search engines appreciate pages that load quickly. Thus, Google requires sites to be developed in the latest HTML version for faster loading.

Expand Your Presence on Social Networks

SEO also involves using social networks. These platforms remain essential for any company seeking to increase its visibility on the web. However, it requires adopting a regular and updated content publication strategy. In addition to personal social networks like Facebook and Twitter, businesses must target their customers by developing a presence on professional social networks. Google has developed its own social network: Google+. This platform has 5.3 million users in France, all of whom enjoy a ranking boost from the American giant.

Select the Right Keywords

Put yourself in the shoes of a customer looking for your product or service on the internet. What will they type into the search bar to find it? However, the excessive use of keywords can also harm your ranking. This is known as keyword density. It involves repeating the same word too often. Therefore, do not hesitate to use the most varied lexical field possible; your reader will also appreciate the reading.

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