Voice Search: A Thriving Sector

Every day, the evolution of technology gives rise to new applications. Among them, voice search technology holds a prominent position and continues to attract more attention from businesses. Which companies are leading the way in this field?

Professionals in Voice Search

There are companies whose expertise lies in offering high-quality and innovative voice recognition applications to manufacturers in the technology industry and other sectors.

Nuance Communications stands as one of the largest American firms in the field of voice search. It provides voice recognition applications for tablets, phones, TVs, and various other devices across different domains. Nuance counts among its clients well-known brands such as Samsung, Panasonic, Nintendo, Daimler, and Apple. Notably, it authored the music synthesis and voice recognition application for the iPhone 3GS and iPod shuffle by Apple, along with the Dragon Dictation software for PC transcription. Additionally, it has developed software for medical report digitization in the United States.

Wit.ai, on the other hand, is a young Californian company specializing in voice recognition and founded by French entrepreneurs. Still in its early stages, the startup aims to develop applications and software for controlling phones or regulating apartment temperature through voice recognition. It plans to utilize voice recognition as a means of interaction with all Internet-connected devices. Its projects could be implemented sooner than expected following its acquisition by the American giant Facebook.

VocallQ is another startup offering an intelligent dialogue application between humans and any connected or unconnected device through voice recognition with minimal effort required for deciphering. This software automatically learns new words with frequent usage. VocallQ also designs software for automotive manufacturers. It was acquired by Apple to enhance the performance of the Siri personal assistant, previously managed by Nuance Communications.

Revealing Insights

The voice search sector’s continuous expansion today is attributed to the increasingly frequent use of innovative applications offered by specialists. Currently, two out of three individuals with access to these applications utilize them, leading to substantial financial results for businesses. For example, Nuance Communications claims that the majority of its revenue (approximately $400 million) comes from voice search software designed to digitize medical reports. Clearly, voice recognition is expanding its reach into more diverse fields.

It is no longer limited to oral text input on mobile or PC devices. For instance, Wit.ai reportedly has nearly 6,000 developers in this sector. The major challenge for each developer is to improve upon the performance of predecessors to secure a place in the market.

With ever-growing technological progress, human effort is being replaced in several domains. The voice search sector, given its numerous advantages, is experiencing significant growth. It now represents an ideal investment opportunity for any business promoter specializing in application development for the mobile industry or the installation of high-quality security systems.

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